Why is Financial Wellbeing Important?

You may have heard the buzzwords “financial wellness” thrown around your organization, but what do those words mean?

Let’s explore.

Financial wellness refers to the state of being in control of one’s finances and having a sense of security about their financial future. It involves making informed decisions about spending, saving, investing, and managing debt that align with one’s values and goals. Financial wellness also includes having a plan for unexpected events such as job loss, illness, or emergencies.

Keep in mind, this last paragraph mentions being in control, feeling secure, staying informed, and having a plan. Nowhere does it say you must have a lot of money to be financially well.

One of the key components of financial wellness is creating and sticking to a budget. This involves setting realistic spending limits, tracking expenses, and adjusting as needed. A budget can help individuals prioritize spending and make informed decisions about their finances. It also helps to reduce financial stress and anxiety by providing a clear picture of one’s financial situation and allowing for better planning for future expenses.

Another important aspect of financial wellness is managing debt. High levels of debt can cause significant financial stress, and it is important to have a plan for paying off debt in a timely and efficient manner. This may involve consolidating debt, negotiating better terms with creditors, or seeking professional help from a financial advisor. Additionally, it is important to avoid taking on new debt when attempting to pay off old debt.

Saving and investing are also important components of financial wellness. Building an emergency fund is a critical step in ensuring financial stability. Having a savings cushion can help individuals avoid going into debt during unexpected expenses or job loss. In addition to emergency savings, it is important to consider investing for long-term goals such as retirement. It is never too early or too late to start investing, and there are many investment options available, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate.

Managing financial risks is another key aspect of financial wellness. This involves preparing for the unexpected, such as job loss, illness, or death. It is important to have insurance coverage to protect oneself and their family in the event of an unexpected event. This may include life insurance, disability insurance, and health insurance. It is also important to regularly review and update insurance coverage to ensure that it is adequate and meets one’s needs.

Finally, it is important to educate oneself about finances and stay informed about financial trends and news. This may involve reading financial books and articles, attending financial workshops and seminars, or working with a financial advisor. Staying informed about financial matters can help individuals make informed decisions about their finances and achieve their financial goals.

Financial wellness is a critical aspect of overall wellbeing and personal satisfaction. It encompasses a range of financial habits and behaviors that promote financial stability, reduce stress and anxiety, and help individuals achieve their financial goals. By creating a budget, managing debt, saving and investing, managing financial risks, and educating oneself about finances, individuals can take control of their finances and achieve financial wellness.



We want you to be well and to live your best life. The content in this blog is provided for the purposes to educate and entertain you: our very important reader. It is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical advice from a trained healthcare professional.

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Listen to your care providers as they know you and your condition best. Thank you for reading!

The Team at BSDI

2 Replies to “Why is Financial Wellbeing Important?”

  1. This is very good information. Sometimes, we forget that financial wellness is an integral part of the 8 dimensions of wellness and pivotal to our overall well-being.

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